
Friday, June 20, 2014

POSH Teachers help you get your day started

Although it may be Summer Break for many of us, there are still several important things to be done each day. Getting up during these SUMMER MORNINGS can be a struggle for any Posh Teacher! Let's explore some helpful ways to get all of our P.O.S.H. Teachers going.

Photo Credit by Pinterest

Other suggestions:

1-Drink a cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a daily goal for every Posh Teacher. We always want to be the best for ourselves and the people we serve. This video explores the benefits of drinking lemon water FIRST THING IN THE MORNING.

Click here for more details

2-Get atleast 7 hours of sleep. Being a PROGRESSIVE Teacher can sometimes lead to sleepless nights, lack of rest, and sluggish morning rises. It is critical that Posh Teachers make time to get adequate sleep.  Rest refreshes your body and prepares it for the next day of adventures! Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning can help your body establish a great sleeping cycle, which is an added benefit that decreases the chances of you becoming sleepy during the day.

Photo Credit by

3-Get MOVING! JUMP out of bed, SIT up on the edge of the bed, DANCE to music, or STAND up. Rather fast or slow...just move. Either way, you want to get your body in motion. This can reduce the chances of you hitting the snooze button and over sleeping. Click the 8 Steps to a Better Morning for more details.

-Everything we do in life should lead to fulfilling our dreams!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


A Special Father's Day Tribute

 To: Men Teachers
From: P.O.S. H. Teachers

For many students now and in generations past, the chances of having an equal number of male teachers as female teachers throughout grade school, are slim to none. Despite the many factors that contribute to this trend, there are still A FEW GOOD MEN to be found in classrooms all around the world. We want to take this time to pay tribute to you, those FEW GOOD MEN, the KINGS OF THE CLASSROOM!

 Men Teachers are admired!

Men Teachers are often times Father Figures!

A Man Teacher is frequently the most constant MAN in the lives of many children.

*Follow us on Instagram and tag your favorite male teacher add Hash tag   #kingoftheclassroom in your post.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

3 Weeks No Cheats!


P.O.S.H. Teachers


"For Blogness Sakes" 

in the 

3 Weeks No Cheats Challenge!

Click {here} to download the day check off list. Print it off and put it on your fridge or pantry door.  Mark off each day that you have no cheats! Try to have 21 days in a row.

What to do?

Step 1- Download and print out the day check list

Step 2- Choose your "cheats" like: sweets, soda, processed foods, fast foods, dairy, etc...

Step 3- (optional) Get an accountability partner and set goals

Step 4- Eat lean and Eat Clean. Protein, Fruits, Veggies, and Water.

What foods to eat? (suggestions only-choose what suits you best)

-Fish (wild caught)
-Eggs (free range/cage free)
-Bacon & Chicken/Turkey Sausage (nitrate free)
-Fresh Chicken, Turkey, Beef
-Granola (gluten)
-Kind Granola (gluten free)
-1/2 a Quest Protein Bar a day
-Fruit (whole fresh moderation)
-Organic Corn Tortilla Chips
-Crackers (gluten free and soy free)
-Homemade Salsa
-Sweet Potatoes
-Nuts (1/4 cup a day)

What Next? 

Follow @poshteachers and @forblognesssakes on Instagram. Post pictures of your progress and include #3weeksnocheats in your post.

We can do it!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tech Accessories

It seems that we can never have enough covers, cases, envelopes, cords, name it! Technology consumes us and the need to have the quirkiest, daintiest, most luxurious, and glamorous tech gear and accessories is second nature to every Posh Teacher. 

Teacher Created...




For the Gym...

Something Different...




No matter the location, style, nor the occasion, Posh Teachers are certain to have it all!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Are YOU a P.O.S.H. Teacher?

Are you the kind of teacher who is always seeking to stay on top of the ever so CHANGING TRENDS in education? 

Or maybe you are the TEAM CHEERLEADER? -The person who keeps everybody pumped up and motivated to stay positive, no matter how crazy the school year is going!!!

Are you the kind of teacher who always ROCKS the latest fashion trends, sports the hottest technology accessories, and is known as the "In-School Stylist"? 

Or maybe you are the HEALTH FANATIC, who insists on the vending machine offering green drinks instead of soda?

If you answered "YES" 
to any of these questions, 
then YOU ARE a P.O.S.H. Teacher!

PROGRESSIVE in becoming the absolute best educator they are gifted to be! Posh Teachers are passionate about what they do and how they serve, therefore, they strive to elevate their level of expertise by improving teaching techniques, building relationships with key stake holders to foster change, and supporting systems that promote high quality education.  They are engaging and highly informative. #ptprogressive #ptadvocatesforhqe


OPTIMISTIC is a signature attribute of every Posh Teacher! They are quick to share words of wisdom and encouragement during tough times, as well as, remain enthusiastic about EVERYTHING! (especially when it seems like all is lost) Posh Teachers are so confident in seeing the positive being manifested in every situation… that their “light” is contagious. They are frequently found saying things like, “That was easy”, “It’ll be fine”, and “You know you got this, right?” #ptoptimistic

STYLISH both in the classroom and out, the Posh Teacher doesn’t mind a desk that looks like something at a swanky hotel nor having a wardrobe complete with the latest fashion trends. Posh Teachers are always sporting the hottest accessories, shoes, bags, and tech gear, all while keeping a modest budget! #ptstyle


HEALTHY is not only the goal of a Posh Teacher, but it’s a lifestyle! Posh Teachers value the importance of being healthy by focusing on ways to stay hydrated, eat notorious meals & snacks, and decrease stress. They are always packing “something GREEN” in their lunch and trying new ways to stay active. #pthealthyeats #healthyteachers #happyteachers

If you are a Posh Teacher or know of someone who is, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest @poshteachers
 poshteachers on instagram 
 poshteachers on twitter

 poshteachers on pinterest