It's that time of year again! Where did the summer go? As many of us have already begun making shopping list trying to gather all of the materials and supplies we need to decorate our classrooms, get organized, and make learning activities, we can not forget to include this one thing-a Lanyard on that list. With the demand for increased security routines in schools, carrying or wearing property school identification is a non-negotiable in many school districts across the country. Here are a few fashionable ideas for carrying your I.D.
Keep cool and healthy with these quick and easy smoothie recipes to "recharge" your body and satisfy your appetite.
This smoothie was created by Kimberly Snyder, author of The Beauty Detox Foods. It combines fresh greens and fruit to make for a balanced and enjoyable flavor. The GGS is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and loads of fiber! Drinking this smoothie daily can help improve skin, healthy hair, sweep away toxins, and help strengthen bowel movements. Mixing and matching greens and fruit by varying the recipe with kale, chard, arugula and the like are encouraged. No melons! (melons digest when eaten alone).
If you want a quick breakfast or a post-workout snack, than this smoothie is an excellent choice. It's a great mix of healthy and sweet because the leafy green tartness is balanced with the sweetness of fruits, along with a variety of nuts & seeds. This combo is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and calcium. This and other summer smoothie recipes can be found at
Sweet Ryder Smoothie
1/4 c. chopped kale
1 whole chopped banana
1/2 c. frozen pineapple
1/2 c. frozen mango
1/2 c. coconut water
1/2 tsp chia seeds
Directions: Place kale, banana, pineapple, mango, and coconut water in a blender and mix until desired consistency. Top with black chia seeds.
Visalus "Body By Vi-Shape Mix" offers this great recipe that fuses blueberries and banana for a delightful yet filling smoothie. There are numerous benefits to adding Visalus Nutritional Shake Mixes to any smoothie recipe. The shake mix: controls appetite, provides complete nutrition, calcium, protein, fiber, promotes lean muscle mass, supports healthy energy levels and a low glycemic lifestyle. It's also gluten & lactose free, low in sodium & sugar, diabetic friendly, and tastes amazing! Visit find out how to get ViSalus Nutritional Shake Mixes.
Don't have the money to buy that planner with all the designs, sayings, and sparkle you like? Think you don't have the creativity to make a stylish planner of your own? Well here is a D.I.Y. option from Amy at HOMEY oh She walks you through, step-by-step, on how to use low cost materials to upgrade that "boring cover" of a store bought planner, into something FAB!!! It's complete with design tricks for the inside pages too!
Go to for all the details.
Although there are millions of planner options out there to chose from. Choosing the planner that best suites your needs and purpose is essential. Rather it be personal or professional, for a business or a club; stick to investing in a planner that is functional for helping you achieve the goals you have and keeping you organized. As teachers, we can best be labeled as "PROFESSIONAL PLANNERS"! However, we still need help with keeping it all organized and choosing a suitable planner can help with that. Here are a few helpful tips to consider when choosing a planner:
1-Ask yourself, "What exactly do I need this planner to do for me?" Keep this question before you at all times. This helps you stay focused and NOT get distracted by all of the options you see on the shelves in stores and on-line. When you are solid on your purpose for the planner, it eliminates looking at planners that have add-on features which have NOTHING to do with what you are looking for.
2-Set a budget. Establishing how much you are willing to spend on an item is key. As teachers, we tend to go over budget when it comes to purchases we make for our students and our classrooms. Mean while purchases we make for ourselves often times get neglected. So, setting a budget for an investment in YOURSELF is a good thing! If there is no budget to purchase a planner, search the web for free printable templates, calendars, planners, and organizers. Try They have a variety of free stuff that will help you stay organized no matter what the need may be.
3-Size does count. No matter how stylish, practical, or budget friendly the planner may be; it's size can effect how much you enjoy it. Thinking about how you will travel with it, the place where you will store your planner, and the space you will occupy when writing in it, can have an impact on the size of the planner you choose. If space is limited, you may want to consider a planner app that you can download and use on your laptop or mobile device. Apps like Paker Planner and Planner Plus allow you to input tasks, notes, and other important info to keep you on track.
Parker Planner
Planner Plus
The POSH Connection: Keeping one's affairs in order, is a life lesson in itself; as a result, it is important that we utilize management tools to assist us in maintaining order and making progress.
Although it may be Summer Break for many of us, there are still several important things to be done each day. Getting up during these SUMMER MORNINGS can be a struggle for any Posh Teacher! Let's explore some helpful ways to get all of our P.O.S.H. Teachers going.
Photo Credit by Pinterest
Other suggestions:
1-Drink a cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a daily goal for every Posh Teacher. We always want to be the best for ourselves and the people we serve. This video explores the benefits of drinking lemon water FIRST THING IN THE MORNING.
2-Get atleast 7 hours of sleep. Being a PROGRESSIVE Teacher can sometimes lead to sleepless nights, lack of rest, and sluggish morning rises. It is critical that Posh Teachers make time to get adequate sleep. Rest refreshes your body and prepares it for the next day of adventures! Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning can help your body establish a great sleeping cycle, which is an added benefit that decreases the chances of you becoming sleepy during the day.
Photo Credit by
3-Get MOVING! JUMP out of bed, SIT up on the edge of the bed, DANCE to music, or STAND up. Rather fast or slow...just move. Either way, you want to get your body in motion. This can reduce the chances of you hitting the snooze button and over sleeping. Click the 8 Steps to a Better Morning for more details.
-Everything we do in life should lead to fulfilling our dreams!
For many students now and in generations past, the chances of having an equal number of male teachers as female teachers throughout grade school, are slim to none. Despite the many factors that contribute to this trend, there are still A FEW GOOD MEN to be found in classrooms all around the world. We want to take this time to pay tribute to you, those FEW GOOD MEN, the KINGS OF THE CLASSROOM!